昨天半夜,不知几点钟,我竟然从梦里被雷声吵醒。由于我是单人房,当我一醒,四周一片黑暗,唯有那厕所灯,看着那窗口的缝隙,闪呀闪,连接着那恐怖的雷声,真的很恐怖。在床上的我,不经颤抖着,很想上厕所,但又怕看见不该看见的东西。这时,如果我有 roommate那该多好。两个人总比一个人好,两个人可以给我勇气,力量去面对。半夜的天气,是超级冷的,犹如我在享受空调,但昨天并不是享受,而是探险!!!最可怕的是,我家对面的hostel,刚刚建好的,那些门,竟然'ping' 'pong' 到几大声,就连我家的厕所门也在振,可怕可怕。那时我很急尿,又怕厕所里有那些‘东西’,就忍着忍着,忍到七点酱,才起身。但昨夜的梦很甜,好久没尝试过酱美 yet 甜的梦了。
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After 1 hour~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
就来到学校了,今天上最后一次的化学实验了,很开心,可是还要做report,幸好是partial report。但庆兴的是我化学的mid-term尽然有超过一半,真的是要谢天谢地了。还发生了一件很好笑的事件。主角是一男一女,男的竟然转移目标,不再做我‘爸’的跟屁虫,那女的,蛮可怜的,希望那女的可以早点脱离苦海,而希望那男的可以知道我们在逃避他吧!然后赶快改掉它的坏习惯吧!
当我要回家时,干好经过 ddk3,看见素妤的书包,原来他有press conference,好奇的我,就走进去看个究竟,蛮不错的,suki 讲的很稳,你应该当host 的吗,为何当designer呢!我酱好去看你的press conferrence,尽然还sent message 说我 'make u excited', =.= 但你
excited了也没忘词呀!不赖嘛,天才就是天才 ^^
还有,可能会闭关一个月,从现在开始,要啃书了,准备大考。很累,真的很累,第一天就考 Public Speaking, 还蛮多东西要背的,还有那化学,超级难啦!剩的还可以。我希望可以拿到4.0, 但我会很压力,所以,现在要求自己比上个semester 好就可以了。Must get more than 3.6. 希望可以做到。^^
还有明天要去Ipoh看戏---Avatar 很多人讲很好看,令我也很想看,虽然上映了很久,但他的票数也是TOP TOP 的,很厉害!!!希望明天有票啦!=D
星期日呢,就跟诗柔他们去old town买车票,还没决定好要买几时的票,最好是after考完数学,但又怕有聚会,上个sem已经没去了,如果这一次又没去的话,真的很过意不去。但我问了良久,很多次,但没人回应我,希望尽早决定,一旦买了车票,就不能退还了,所以赶快做决定吧!
现在的天气(3.51pm) 开始有雷声了 wuwuwuwu, 请不要下雨!!!
现在(4.01pm) 开始要下雨了,雷声很响亮!!!看是没机会去游泳了,haiz...又肥了T,T
讨厌下雨天!! =(
The owner
Friday, January 8, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
After all , just left a tired body
Wow, finally , I had done all my assignment. I perform it and hand up in ONE day ^^
Because of programming, I sacrified my precious sleeping time , burn the midnight oil done the entire assignment. That moment, I 've no idea at all , how to do pseudocode huh ? Luckily, Jian Yong(my housemate) , give me some guideline , so that I can complete my assignment successfully. Staring back to this day( 4 Jan 2009), I just sleep about 4 hours, this is the first time, and I hope that also be the last time, though.
For today talkshow, quite disappointed, though I did my best, but too critized by my tutor, this sentence , "you totally fail to persuade your character" with a tone of sarcasm. The thing that I lack of is a suitable attire. Haiz.... hope that I won't pull down the whole group's perfomance.
At here, I would like to say a million thanks to
Lim Mun Yee - Fetch us to school and back , but sorry for making your sofa stain with twisti's powder. Paiseh paiseh ^^ and also be the director of the slide show..thanks
Ang See Zou - What a breathtaking movie maker huh !!! Your video really amazing , astonish , marvellous !!!!! Thank ya. I like indeed the last video. ^^
Amie - Plays an important role throughout the talk show, very authentic, bravo !!
Tan Wan Xin- what a shame camerawoman huh? why yuo always conceal yourself at the edge of the rooom huh ? Ponder ... But anyway , thanks a lot ^^
TE 5 members , thanks for you guy, pull up the sleeve and work together, THANKZZZ ...
Because of programming, I sacrified my precious sleeping time , burn the midnight oil done the entire assignment. That moment, I 've no idea at all , how to do pseudocode huh ? Luckily, Jian Yong(my housemate) , give me some guideline , so that I can complete my assignment successfully. Staring back to this day( 4 Jan 2009), I just sleep about 4 hours, this is the first time, and I hope that also be the last time, though.
For today talkshow, quite disappointed, though I did my best, but too critized by my tutor, this sentence , "you totally fail to persuade your character" with a tone of sarcasm. The thing that I lack of is a suitable attire. Haiz.... hope that I won't pull down the whole group's perfomance.
At here, I would like to say a million thanks to
Lim Mun Yee - Fetch us to school and back , but sorry for making your sofa stain with twisti's powder. Paiseh paiseh ^^ and also be the director of the slide show..thanks
Ang See Zou - What a breathtaking movie maker huh !!! Your video really amazing , astonish , marvellous !!!!! Thank ya. I like indeed the last video. ^^
Amie - Plays an important role throughout the talk show, very authentic, bravo !!
Tan Wan Xin- what a shame camerawoman huh? why yuo always conceal yourself at the edge of the rooom huh ? Ponder ... But anyway , thanks a lot ^^
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